Monthly Archives: October 2017
Dr. Luettich and his years of research
A written portrait of the director of UNC’s Institute of Marine Sciences and his research. Rick Luettich and the Science of Storm Surge
UNC Marine Sciences Professor co-authors study on the metabolic pathways of oil-degrading bacteria
Marine Sciences Professor, Andres Teske, co-authored a study with UT Austin and Scottish collaborators for the Gulf of Mexico Research Institute on the metabolic pathways of oil-degrading bacteria. There is an interesting nature to the study they are conducting, Andreas … Read more
Marine Sciences in the Galápagos
The highlights and experiences of Caitlin’s trip to the Galápagos as part of a Marine Sciences experiential learning summer course can be read in the blog post below: As we boarded the plane to the Galápagos, known by locals as the “mosquito” for its small … Read more
CarolinaCoastOnline features UNC IMS on its 70th anniversary celebration and open house
CarolinaCoastOnline speaks about UNC IMS’s rich history and the festivities planned for its 70th anniversary open house on October 21st.
Dr Piehler featured on WTKF107 Coastal Daybreak to talk about IMS’s 70th anniversary open house
Dr. Piehler appeared today on WTKF107 Coastal Daybreak to talk about the upcoming 70th anniversary of IMS and the planned festivities that include the open house on October 21st.
Drs Luettich and Piehler were on WTKF107 talking about IMS’s open house 70th anniversary celebration
Dr. Luettich and Dr. Piehler were both featured on the Talk Station of WTKF107 speaking on IMS’s 70th anniversary and the upcoming open house on October 21st.
Coastal Living News-Times features multiple IMS researchers in an article on the institute’s upcoming 70th anniversary
The Coastal Living News-Times featured multiple IMS researchers on their insight of the role they play at IMS as the 70th anniversary of the opening of the institute draws nearer and nearer each day. The article can be found here: … Read more
UNC Research posts a photo essay of IMS through the years as it approaches its 70th anniversary
UNC Research honors the Institute of Marine Sciences as the date approaches for its 70th anniversary open house by posting a photo essay that shows aspects of IMS research throughout the years.
Carolina Arts and Sciences shares a throwback IMS photo for its upcoming 70th anniversary
Carolina Arts and Sciences shares a throwback IMS photo of a past graduate student from the 1990’s and shares the information of IMS’s 70th anniversary open house on October 21st.