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IMS Alumnus Dr. Ethan Theuerkauf on shoreline erosion

June 20, 2019

“Lake Michigan Nears Historic Water Levels. What’s Happening, and Why” Rodriguez lab alumn, Dr. Ethan Theuerkauf, on shoreline erosion in Lake Michigan.

Ph.D. Candidate Martin Benavide on sharks

June 20, 2019

Fodrie lab Ph.D. candidate Martín Benavides recently spoke with local station WNCT about shark populations off of the North Carolina Coast.

Paerl and Hall Labs on algal blooms

June 19, 2019

“Scientists predict fewer stresses on Neuse Ecosystem,” Paerl and Hall Labs on Neuse River algal blooms. 

Dr. Fodrie featured in the news about shark bites

June 19, 2019

NPR interview with Dr. Fodrie on sharks and shark bites: WRAL interview with Dr. Foride on shark bites when birds are active ( ) and how to protect yourself from sharks while swimming in the ocean (

Jeff Plumlee to be on a saftey panel hosted by the Natural History Museum

June 19, 2019

Fodrie lab Ph.D. student Jeff Plumlee will be part of an “Are We Safe?” panel at the Natural History Museum in Raleigh on June 26th, discussing sharks. The event is co-hosted by the N&O and the Museum.

Dr. Hall on the importance of long-term monitoring programs

June 12, 2019

Here’s the link to Dr. Hall’s interview with WITN about the 25th anniversary of ModMon & the importance of long-term monitoring programs.   

Dr. Fordie on why shark bites are rare events

June 11, 2019

Dr. Fodrie spoke with the N&O today about sharks in NC and why shark bites are rare events. 

Lohmann Lab member Lewis Naisbett-Jones’s Flounder Research

June 11, 2019

Ph.D. student in the Lohmann lab Lewis Naisbett-Jones was featured on WITN last night talking about his flounder research. Watch for the special appearances by former field site student, & current summer tech EmmaLi Tsai!–511160731.html

Ph.D. Student Jeff Plumlee on shark bites

June 11, 2019

Fodrie lab Ph.D. student Jeff Plumlee also spoke with WITN about sharks and shark bites in our area.