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Yun Chang

Yun Chang

Dr. Alberto Scotti
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Si Chen

Si Chen

2020 PhD Marine Science, UNC Chapel Hill
Brian White

Fluid Mechanics, Acoustics

Joey Crosswell

Joey Crosswell

2013 PhD Marine Sciences, UNC Chapel Hill
2007 BS Neuroscience, UT Austin
Hans Paerl

Biogeochemistry, Oceanography

Charlie Deaton

Charlie Deaton

2018 MS Marine Science, UNC Chapel Hill
Tony Rodriguez

Land use and ecogeomorphology in coastal watersheds

Sarah Donaher

Sarah Donaher

2020 MS marine Science UNC Chapel Hill
Rachel Gittman

Marine Science

Linghan Dong

Linghan Dong

2018, PhD
Hans Paerl
Phytoplankton bloom dynamics

Claudia Falcon

Claudia Falcon

Fluid dynamics, stratified flows, partial differential equations, mathematical biology

Laura Fisch

Laura Fisch

Scott Gifford
Carbon cycling in marine microbial communities

Jie Gao

Jie Gao

2018, PhD
Rick Luettich
Numerical modeling of storm surge under hurricanes using coupled ocean-wave models, physics of the air-sea interface, influence of waves on surface momentum flux