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Research Seminar: JP Rippe

A research seminar presented by UNC MASC Graduate Student, JP Rippe. Title: Assessing Historical Growth and Connectivity of Coral Reefs at Multiple Scales Throughout the Caribbean Basin Abstract: Over the past three decades, coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea have experienced severe … Read more

Master’s Research Seminar: Jessica Smith

A Master's Research Seminar presented by UNC Marine Sciences Graduate Student, Jessica Smith. Title: Probabilistic Track Generation for Storm Surge Prediction Abstract: Hurricanes and associated storm surges are costly and devastating natural hazards that affect populations on much of the world's coasts. To … Read more

Research Seminar: Greg Sorg

A research seminar presented by UNC Institute of Marine Sciences Graduate Student, Greg Sorg. Seminar Title: Testing the Effectiveness of Alternative Substrates for Subtidal Oyster Reef Construction Abstract: In North Carolina, the wild stock of Eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, is currently a … Read more

Research Seminar: Rob Lampe

A research seminar presented by UNC-CH Department of Marine Sciences graduate student, Rob Lampe. Seminar Title: Investigating distinct strategies by bloom-forming diatoms to frequently-encountered shifts in their environment. Abstract: Diatoms are a highly diverse and prominent group of eukaryotic phytoplankton that perform approximately … Read more

Research Seminar: Charlie Deaton

A research seminar presented by UNC-CH Department of Marine Sciences graduate student, Charlie Deaton. Title: Geomorphic and ecological response to land-use change and sedimentation in coastal watersheds along an urban-rural gradient Abstract: Physical changes across Earth’s landscape eventually cause changes along the coast, where rivers … Read more

Research Seminar: Maxwell Tice-Lewis

A research seminar presented by UNC-CH Department of Marine Sciences graduate student, Maxwell Tice-Lewis. Seminar Title: Determining drivers of oyster reef community dynamics and resilience to freshet disturbance across estuarine gradients. Abstract: Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) are estuarine foundational species ranging from … Read more