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EMES Colloquium Speaker: Giulio Mariotti — Postponed

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

Hindcasting and Forecasting Trajectories of Marsh Landscapes  I will present recent improvements in a model (CoastMorpho2D) that simulates marsh morphodynamics. First, I will show how this model can reconstruct (hindcast) marsh trajectories over the last 5000 years. This model will … Read more

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Sarah Cooley

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

Investigating climate-driven changes to landfast sea ice at the community scale  Landfast sea ice represents only a small fraction of the total sea ice in the Arctic Ocean yet has a hugely outsized importance for Arctic coastal communities. As a … Read more

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Jonathan Lewis

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

Literal and Figurative Tectonic Shifts: Changing Paradigms in Taiwan & the U.S. Academic Research Fleet

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Beau Hodge

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

Time-Critical Gravity-Powered PFAS Remediation of Groundwater Seeps Background/Objectives. At an active chemical manufacturing facility (the Site) in North Carolina, Geosyntec’s investigation of the fate and transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) identified groundwater seeps as one of the major … Read more

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Alexis Ault

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

The 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, earthquake sequence exploited multi-earthquake cycle fault damage  How do the mechanical and hydrologic properties of shallow fault rocks promote or arrest earthquake ruptures and control interseismic deformation? Over what timescales do faults heal after large earthquakes? … Read more

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Sarah George

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

Impacts of the Miocene Climate Optimum on the Central Andes Climate exerts critical controls on the behavior of orogenic systems by regulating erosion which influences fold-thrust belt behavior. We investigate the stratigraphic and orogenic response to pronounced climatic warming during … Read more

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Dr. Elliott Hazen

Mitchell Hall Room 005 +1 more

Gussenhoven Speaker Scales of whales: Ecological nowcasts, forecasts & projections for use in management We have a skillful suite of prediction systems for assessing the weather, forecasting storm tracks, and predicting long-term warming trends that are used to maximize human … Read more

EMES Colloquium Speaker: Esteban Gazel

Mitchell Hall Room 005

Oceanic intraplate explosive eruptions fed directly from the mantle One of the most important challenges in modern volcanology studies is constraining the depth of magmatic reservoirs that supply and sustain eruptions. The 2021 La Palma eruption provided an unprecedented opportunity … Read more