Graduate Program
Earth and Marine Sciences
The Earth and Marine Sciences graduate program provides students with rigorous, tailored educational and research experiences that prepare them for a wide range of careers in the earth, ocean and environmental sciences and related fields. Both Masters (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree programs are offered. A strong emphasis is placed on preparing students to enter the workforce and continue their research careers by developing essential skills, breadth of understanding across the natural sciences, and depth in their area of specialization. A faculty committee, chaired by the student’s advisor, oversees his/her degree program.
The following required courses develop essential skills and provide background in current concepts and contemporary issues related to the earth and its oceans:
- Emerging Topics in Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences: Orientation and Overview
- Science Communication
- Data Analysis
In addition, students take specialized upper-level courses in their focus area. Students can choose to complete a concentration in geology, marine sciences, or biological sciences/ecology.
All graduate students complete a research-based thesis (M.S.) or dissertation (Ph.D.). This enables them to develop and apply specialized skills and knowledge to answer fundamental questions in their field.
For information about applying to the program, please see Application Procedures.