Chao Wang

Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, 2019
M.Sc., Cartography and Geographic Information System, Anhui Normal University, 2015
B.S., Geographic Information System, Anhui Normal University, 2012
Research Interests
I am a Research Assistant Professor in the Global Hydrology Lab working with Tamlin Pavelsky. My research interests lie within the interdisciplinary research fields of ecology and hydrology, which bridge the disciplinary perspectives in understanding the ecohydrological processes and bi-directional interactions and feedbacks at different spatiotemporal scales through integrating multi-source observations and model simulations. For my postdoc research, I will focus on understanding the links of inundation, vegetation, and carbon flux in boreal environments.
Selected Publications
Wang C.; Gao, Q.; Yu, M. 2019. Quantifying Trends of Land Change in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during 2001–2015. Remote Sensing, 11, 2435. Yao F.; Wang J.; Wang C.; Cretaux JF. 2019. Constructing long-term high-frequency time series of global lake and reservoir areas using Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment,232, 111210