Paul D. Fullagar

Professor Emeritus 962-0677
(919) 966-4519
314 Mitchell Hall, CB#3315, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3315
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1963.
Research Interests
- Use of long-lived radioactive isotopes and their stable products to investigate timing of geological events
- Sources of geological materials
- Evolution of continents
- Migration patterns of ancient peoples.
Research and Activities
Timing of reef formation in the Hawaiian Islands and Emperor Seamounts
Human mobility in ancient Mesoamerica, Europe, etc.
Sources of historical glasses in Europe, Middle East, etc.
Groundwater movement and evolution
Crustal evolution in the southern Appalachians;
Selected Publications
Woods, T. L., Fullagar, P. D., Spruill, R. K., and Sutton, L. C., 2000, Strontium isotopes and major elements as tracers of groundwater evolution: Example from the Upper Castle Hayne aquifer of North Carolina: Journal of Groundwater, v. 38, p. 762-771.
MacLeod, K. G., Huber, B. T., and Fullagar, P. D., 2001, Evidence for a small (~0.000030) but resolvable increase in seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratios across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary: Geology, v. 29, p.303-306.
Fullagar, P. D., 2002, Evidence for early Mesoproterozoic (and older?) crust in the southern and central Appalachians of North America, in Rogers, J. J. W., and Santosh, M., eds, Special issue of Gondwana Research on “Mesoproterozoic Supercontinent”: Gondwana Research, v. 5, p. 197-203.
Bentley, R. A., Price, T. D., Lüning, J., Gronenborn, D., Wahl, J., and Fullagar, P. D., 2002, Prehistoric migration in Europe: Strontium isotope analysis of early Neolithic skeletons: Current Anthropology, v. 43, no. 5, p. 799-804.
Carrigan, C. W., Miller, C. F., Fullagar, P. D., Bream, B. R., Hatcher, Jr., R. D., and Coath, C. D., 2003, Ion microprobe age and geochemistry of southern Appalachian Basement, with implications for Proterozoic and Paleozoic reconstructions: Precambrian Research, v. 120, p. 1-36.
MacLeod, K. G., Fullagar, P. D., Huber, B. T., 2003, 87Sr/86Sr test of the degree of impact induced slope failure in the Maastrichtian of the western North Atlantic: Geology, v. 31, p. 311-314..
Knudson, K. J., Tung, T. A., Nystrom, K. C., Price, T. D., and Fullagar, P. D., 2005, The origin of the Juch’uypampa Cave mummies: strontium isotope analyses of archaeological human remains from Bolivia: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 32, p. 903-913.
Rose, S. and Fullagar, P. D., 2005, Strontium isotope systematics of base flow in Piedmont Province watersheds, Georgia (USA): Applied Geochemistry, v. 20, p. 1571-1586.
Price, T. D., Burton, J. H., Fullagar, P. D., Wright, L. E., Buikstra, J. E., and Tiesler, V., 2008, Strontium isotopes and the study of human mobility in Ancient Mesoamerica: Latin America Antiquity, v. 19, p. 167-180.
Brill, R. H., and Fullagar, P. D., 2009, Strontium-isotope analyses of some historical glasses and related materials: A Progress Report, AIHV-17, Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, Antwerp, September 5, 2006: in press.
Clague, D. A., Braga, J. C., Bassi, D., Fullagar, P. D., Renema. W., Webster, J. M., 2009, The maximum age of Hawaiian terrestrial lineages: Palaeontologic constraints from Kko Seamount: Journal of Biogeography, in press.
Fisher, C. M., Loewy, S. L., Miller, C. F., Berquist, P., Van Schmus, W. R., Hatcher, R. D., Jr., Wooden, J. L., andFullagar, P. D., 2009, Whole rock Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic constraints on the growth of the southeastern Laurentia during Grenvillian Orogenesis: Geological Society of America Bulletin, in press.
Webster, J. M., Clague, D. A., Faichney, I. D. E., Fullagar, P. D., Hein, J., Moore, J. G., and Paull, C. K., 2009, Early Pleistocene origin of reefs around Lanai (Hawaii): Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press.
Faichney, I. D. E., Webster, J. M., Clague, D. A., Paduan, J. B., Fullagar, P. D., 2010, Unravelling the isostatic and flexural history of Oahu and the Maui-Nui Complex, Hawaii: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, submitted.