UNC Institute of Marine Sciences Graduate Students
UNC Institute of Marine Sciences Home Page
Heather Bruck
Advisor: Joel Fodrie
Coastal Community Ecology
Institute for Marine Sciences, Morehead City
Emma Dempsey
Advisor: Rachel Noble
Water Quality, Environmental Microbiology and Public Health
IMS, Morehead City
Colin Eimers
Advisor: Dr. Rachel Noble
Marine Science and Policy
Institute of Marine Sciences Room 265
Noble Lab
Ileana Fenwick
Advisor: Janet Nye
Community Ecology, Quantitative Fisheries Ecology
(919) 962-1252
Murray Hall, CB#3300
Nye LabJoshua Himmelstein
Advisor: Antonio Rodriguez
Coastal Geomorphology
(919) 903-6320
3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557
Rodriguez LabYasamin Sharifi
Advisor: Antonio Rodriguez
Carbon sequestration in coastal ecosystems
Rodriguez Lab